Pineapple (01.11.2018)
About the drawing: Recently I found a lot off nice pen and pencil drawings of animals and some fruit&veggies on The idea of using certain patterns in animal- and fruit&veg drawings inspired me to do something similar, so I came up with the idea of drawing a pineapple. I looked up many drawings of pineapples and used the idea of patterns from some of the drawings that I found online. I love drawing with microns. Instead of applying fading and shading effects as you would do with pencil drawings I created depth by just applying more or thicker lines. With microns you get pure black on white. Grey tones have to be created with different patterns, lines or dots. I hope I will soon come up with some other fruit&veg drawings.
Materials: I used Pigma microns / fine-liners (0.2mm-0.5mm). Apart from that I used a 2b pencil to fill in some surfaces in order to create an extra bit of depth.
To have a look the drawing process, click here.